Gods & Goddesses
Lord Krishna
Lord Krishna is one of the most popular Hindu deities. He is the eighth Avatar of Lord Vishnu as well. Lord Krishna is famous among his devotees due to a plethora of reasons. He is compassionate, tender, and loving. His name in Sanskrit refers to Krsna. Here, in this article, we will look into the origin, life, weapons, and vehicles used by Lord Krishna. We will focus on their significance, as well. Devotees celebrate Lord Krishna's birthday as Krishna Janmashtami. Lord Krishna was born in Mathura to Devaki and Vasudeva. However, his parents had to leave him with Yashoda and...
Lord Rama
Lord Rama is one of the essential deities of Hinduism. He is the seventh avatar of Lord Vishnu and was born in Ayodya. Apart from Hinduism, we can find references to Lord Vishnu in Jainism and Buddhism, as well. Here, you can find him represented as Padma or Pauma. Along with that, Rama is a name that plays a significant role in different Hindu scriptures. In the Atharva Veda, Rama means someone dark in color and has a connection with the night. In other parts of the same text, you can see Rama concerning someone pleasing and lovely. Here, we...
Lord Kartikeya
Lord Kartikeya, popularly known in South India (Tamil Nadu) as Lord Subramanian and Lord Murugan, is a Hindu Deity of profound significance. We know him by different names. Other names used for his reference are Skanda and Kumara. There are numerous legends in various ancient texts on the birth and life of Lord Kartikeya. Here, we would highlight the origin, stories, weapons, and significance of Lord Kartikeya in Hinduism. Apart from Hinduism, people worship Lord Kartikeya in Buddhism and Jainism. He is a deity of immense importance in China, Malaysia, and Sri Lanka as well. Often depicted as an energetic...
Lord Varuna
Lord Varuna is a Celestial God in the Vedic texts. He is the God connected with sky, sea, truth, and Rta. We have come to know him through numerous ancient scriptures and religious texts. In Hinduism, he is the God of Oceans. He is omnipresent and is the guardian deity of the Western direction. The name, Varuna, means "he who covers." In this article, we will look into his origin, weapons, and significance of Lord Varuna. Apart from Hinduism, Lord Varuna plays a significant role in Sikhism, Buddhism, and Jainism. As per the belief system, Lord Varuna is the son...
Lord Agni
Lord Agni is one of the most important Hindu deities. He is a guardian figure in the southeast direction. In a temple, we find Lord Agni placed in the southeast corner. Here, in this article, we will focus on the origin, weapons, and significance of Lord Agni in Hinduism. We will also highlight his depiction in different ancient textbooks and scriptures. Lord Agni resides in Agneya. He exists on three different levels. On Earth, he is present as fire, in the atmosphere, he is in the form of lightning, and in the sky, he prevails as the Sun. Lord Agni...
Lord Yamaraja
Lord Yama is a Hindu God of death, the God of Dharma, and the underworld. There are references to Lord Yama in Buddhism, Sikhism, and other religions as well. Apart from India, the mythologies of China and Japan also focus on Lord Yama. Here, in this article, we will focus on God Yama, his origin, weapons, and significance. Lord Yama is the son of Lord Surya and Sanjana. As per the mythologies, he became the destroyer of creatures because of a curse. When Lord Surya approached his wife, Sanjana, she closed her eyes due to his brightness. The incident angered...
Lord Surya
There are few gods who have been common in many cultures. Sun God is one of them. Sun god, also known as 'Surya deva' in Hinduism has been worshipped by most of the cultures. It is said that Surya is one of those few gods who could be seen with eyes. That's the reason, Surya deva occupies a very respected position in Hinduism. We are going to talk about various aspects related to Surya deva in detail in this article. Origin: In Hinduism, Surya deva has been identified with many names such as Aditya, Arka, Ravi, Prabhakar, etc. He first finds...
Goddess Kali
Although the name of kali has lately been associated with Kala(black), most scholars agree that the name is actually derived from Kala which means time or death. Kali is said to give her devotees freedom from the fear of death and liberation from the cycle of time. The origin of kali isn't exactly clear. It is said that she first finds mention in the Atharva Veda. However, the Veda doesn't recognise her as a Goddess. Later, She is mentioned elaborately in various Puranas. Kali finds her most remarkable mention in the Devi Mahatmya in which there are several chapters dedicated...
Lord Hanuman
India is a rich culture with a diversity you can't find anywhere else in the world. Hinduism is the backbone of the cultural identity of India. It is thousands of years old and incorporates the wisdom of sages throughout these centuries. Hanumana has been revered in India as the supreme devotee of Lord Rama, another prominent god of India. Hanumana is one of the leading characters of the sacred Hindu text, Ramayana. In this article, we are going to talk about various aspects of Hanumana and will try to understand his significance in our culture. Origin: The first mention of Hanumana...
Lord Kubera
Hindu god Kubera, most people know him only as the god of wealth. But in reality, he is much more beyond that. Origin of Lord Kubera: Like most other stories in our vast scriptures, the origin of Kubera also greatly varies from text to text.If we go by the time period, the first mention of Kubera is found in the Vedas. However, he is not hailed as a god in Vedas. Instead, he is regarded as the chief of evil spirits. Even the prestigious text Shatpath Brahman also regards him as the chief of murderers and criminals.It is later in the Puranas that...
Lord Ganesha
Hinduism is the most ancient and widest religion in the world. It goes beyond all boundaries and houses everything as a religion that one could think of. There are millions of gods and goddesses in this religion. This was a tradition where people could create even their own god and worship them. Lord Ganesha - an introduction: If you are born in a Hindu family, then certainly you don't need an introduction to Lord Ganesha. Ganesha is one of the most popular gods in Hinduism who is worshipped beyond the differences of castes and sects. He is revered not only by...
Goddess Lakshmi
Hinduism is one of the few religions that give as much importance to goddesses as it gives to gods. Devi is of paramount importance in Hinduism. Now, Devi is revered in different forms throughout the culture. One of the most important forms in which the Devi is worshipped is in the form of Lakshmi. Lakshmi is a very prominent Devi in Hindu culture. Significance of Goddess Lakshmi: The word Lakshmi finds its origin in the Sanskrit word Lakshya. The word Lakshya means goal, target, or ambition. So, Lakshmi is a reminder for us to be clear and focused on our...
Lord Vishnu
God Vishnu is a manifestation of the eternal and endless Parabrahmn. He is the prime mover that powers the objective world. He is the guardian that sustains this universe. God Vishnu is the substrate of all things. He is the origin of the tiniest atoms and the mightiest galaxies. His abode lies in Kshirsagar, a timeless place far beyond the mortal world, where He likes to rest on his magnificent lotus throne. He walks with Devi Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and good fortune.Significance and Role: Vishnu is one of the Trimurtis; and the one most involved in the day-to-day affairs...
Lord Brahma
Brahma is one of the Trimurti: The highest triumvirate in the entire Hindu pantheon. Sanatan Dharma worships many millions of different gods and goddesses. Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh form the Trimurti, where each of them is a manifestation of the underlying Ultimate Brahmn. Brahmn that is both infinite, and eternal. Brahma is the God of Creation, magic and wisdom. Origin: Brahma is synonymous to the Vedic God Prajapati. In the Puranic texts, there are conflicting accounts of the origins of Brahma. One story places his birth in the Kshirsagar, the cosmic ocean of milk, where God Vishnu resides on his lotus throne....
Lord Indra
Indra is one of the most important gods of the ancient Indian vedic tradition. He is the king of Devas, and rules the high heavens, the svarga, with his capital at the immortal city of Amaravati. Many contemporary scholars consider Indra a personification of the forces of weather. Indra is the god of thunder and lightning. And of course, the rain, the single most important factor in the life equation of the early fledgling agrarian societies.Origins: The origins of Indra are subject to much debate among the historical scholars. Some say, the name is derived from Inra, a got of Mitanni,...
Goddess Saraswati
As per Hindu mythology, after the formation of the celestial universe by Lord Brahma, incredible mayhem ruled in-universe. However, Brahma felt baffled for he understood that his celestial universe was dispossessed of conception, order, and configuration. He made the epitome of art and wisdom when Goddess Saraswati came out of His mouth. The Sanskrit word Saraswati is derived from “Saras” for example, stream in watery pools, and the postfix “wait” signifies holder. Hence, Goddess Saraswati is the epitome of the eternal progression of knowledge. Saraswati refers to the Hindu goddess of wisdom, learning, aesthetics, and music. She is additionally a...
Goddess Durga
Durga Ma, identified as the principal form of Goddesses Parvati, she is considered to be the goddesses of war, responsible for combating evil and demonic forces that threatens the peace, prosperity and Dharma (considered to be the power of good over evil). With her ten weapon she triumphantly destroyed the evil Mahishasura, In the form of SATI, beloved daughter of King Daksha and Queen Menaka she gives up a kingdom and earns her father's wrath. In the form of Ma KALI, she turns black as the night and omnipotent, terrible in rage and fury, with just a string of skulls...
Lord Shiva
Shiva, is one of the three main gods of 'Trimurti' in Hinduism, the world's most ancient religion. Over thousands of years, Shiva has become an icon. No matter whichever part of the country you visit, you will definitely find a temple dedicated to Lord Shiva. From Shankaracharya temple in Kashmir, to Rameswaram in Tamilnadu, from Somnath in Gujarat to Tarkeshwar in west Bengal, Shiva resides in the very heart of India.Not only India, but temples dedicated to Lord Shiva have been found in countries such as Indonesia, Turkey, Java, Sumatra, and some middle eastern countries also. But, the first question...