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There are times when you just need someone who can listen to you, with whom you can speak your heart out and express your feelings, emotions, thoughts or just vent out what's in your mind. Through our "Active Listening and Counseling" sessions, you will realize how light and soothing life is !. To have someone by your side would bring lot of positivity in your thoughts and daily life.

Sessions offered for:
Stress, depression, anxiety, relationship issue, breakups, bullying, domestic violence, loneliness, managing emotions, panic attacks, self hatred, post pregnancy depression, self doubt, guilt, anger issues, PTSD/Trauma, ADHD, obsessive compulsive disorder, self denial, and grief.

    You may choose:

    • One session: For those who want to experience it first before committing further.
    • Three sessions: Spread over a period of seven days.
    • Nine sessions: Spread over a period of three weeks.
    • Twelve Sessions: Spread over a month with minimum three sessions a week.

    The number of sessions required for a person may vary based on the gravity of a situation. After receiving your order will mutually fix a time.

    Duration: 45-50 minutes

    Communication Mode: WhatsApp voice, Skype voice, Telephone call

    You would be on call directly with Śākta Mayank. He has over 15 years of experience in providing active listening and counseling services. Know more.

    We are here to listen, talk and counsel whenever you need !