Gau Gayatri Japa Yagna
Gau Gayatri Jaap Yagya
Gau Gayatri Puja Video

Gau Gayatri Japa and Havan

For success, riches, power, love and fulfillment of all desires

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Gau Gayatri Japa Yagna

Gau Gayatri Japa and Havan


Gau Gayatri Japa and Havan

Title: 125000 chants

Sage Vashitha performed the first Sadhana of Gau Gayatri. Chanting the Gau Gayatri mantra yields the rich milk of Kamdhenu and she bestows success, riches, power, love and fulfillment of all desires.

Gayatri is the 'Blessed Mother' of Vedas. There is no milk superior to cow's milk. Even so there is no Mantra superior to Gayatri. As Omkara or Pranava is for Sannyasins, so is Gayatri for Brahmacharis and householders. The fruits that are attained by meditation on Omkara can be attained by meditation on Gayatri. The secret lore of the Upanishads is the essence of four Vedas, while Gayatri with the three Vyahritis is the essence of the Upanishads.

Gayatri is the mother of the Vedas and the destroyer of sins. There is nothing more purifying on the earth as well as in the heaven than the Gayatri. The Japa of Gayatri brings the same fruit as the recitation of all the four Vedas together with the Angas. This single Mantra, if repeated three times a day, brings good (Kalyan or Moksha). It is the Mantra of the Vedas. It destroys sins. It bestows splendid health, beauty, strength, vigour, vitality and magnetic aura in the face (Brahmic effulgence).

Gayatri destroys the three kinds of Taapa or pain. Gayatri bestows the four kinds of Purushartha viz., Dharma (righteousness), Artha (wealth), Kama (desired objects) and Moksha (liberation or freedom). It destroys the three Granthis or knots of ignorance, Avidya, Kama and Karma. Gayatri purifies the mind. Gayatri bestows Ashta Siddhis. Gayatri makes a man powerful and highly intelligent. Gayatri eventually gives liberation or emancipation from the wheel of births and deaths.

The mind is purified by constant worship. It is filled with good and pure thoughts. Repetition of worship strengthens the good Samskaras. "As a man thinks, that he becomes. " This is the psychological law. The mind of a man who trains himself in thinking good, holy thoughts, develops a tendency to think of good thoughts. His character is moulded and transformed by continued good thoughts. When the mind thinks of the image of Gayatri during worship, the mental substance actually assumes the form of the image. The impression of the object is left in the mind. This is called Samskara. When the act is repeated very often, the Samskaras gain strength by repetition, and a tendency or habit is formed in the mind. He who entertains thoughts of Divinity becomes transformed actually into the Divinity himself by constant thinking and meditation. His Bhava or disposition is purified and divinised. The meditator and the meditated, the worshipper and the worshipped, the thinker and the thought become one and the same. This is Samadhi. This is the fruit of worship or Upasana.

Service includes: Puja, Invocation mantras, Sankalpa, Gau Gayatri Japa, Havan, Aarti, Pushpanjali.

This puja can be done:

  1. With 125,000 chants: No. of priests: 51 Duration: 1 day.
  2. With 1,125,000 chants: Comprising of daily recitations of Devharta Ganpati Stotra (5), Sanatan Ganpati Stotra (5 recitations), Ganpati Stotra mantra (5), Ganpati Abhishek (51), Ganpati mantra jaap (33 malas / 3300 japa)Preparations start a week in advance before the ritual. A complete Wooden yagyashala is created with 108 yagya kundas. Each kund will have one priest. So, 108 priests would be there in all. No. of priests: 108 ; Duration: 5 days, 6 hours daily. Please email us expressing your interest.

Eshwar Bhakti priests will perform your Puja as per the Vedic procedure. Please mention your birth details (name, date, time, and place of birth), & Sankalp (your wish) at checkout. This is an individual Puja (you may book puja only on your name or include your near/dear ones in your puja).

You can book this puja with or without a DVD. An hour-long DVD will have the main elements of your puja: Sankalpa, Abhishek or invocation mantras, presiding deity mantra chants, Homa and Aarti. If you opt for a DVD, we will upload it on a cloud link for you to download and watch online, within a week of your puja completion. If you don't opt for a DVD, we will email few short video clips and photos immediately upon successful completion of your ritual.

Performing your puja ritual with love and utmost care is our motto. We perform only Individual Personalized rituals. No group rituals. Here are the key steps to help you understand the process:

  • You add a ritual to your shopping cart, after reading the benefits and based on your concerns.
  • At the time of booking your ritual(s), you are asked to provide your "Name, birth details, Sankalpa and instructions" on the shopping cart page. You can also mention your Gotra, Nakshatra and Rashi details there (if you know).
  • Immediately after the receipt of your order, we start identifying the most auspicious date and time to perform the ritual.
  • An email is sent to you within 12 hours of order confirmation, which would comprise:
  1. Date on which your puja would be performed.
  2. Complete timings and duration of your ritual.
  3. Sankalpa time: When you can join us and pray for the fulfillment of your wish.
  4. Zoom meeting details for taking the Sankalpa.
  5. Mantra and meditation instructions to follow at your end.
  6. Dietary precautions on the day of your puja.
  7. List of some easy to get items, to take the Sankalpa.
  • You can also email us your photo, at, to keep during the performance of your puja (optional).
  • On the scheduled day and time, you can join over Zoom to take your Sankalpa (optional). You will be guided during the call to take the Sankalpa.
  • Immediately after the successful completion of your ritual, an email is sent with photos/videos of the ritual.
  • In case of rituals lasting over several days, you will receive daily updates over email, WhatsApp or Viber.

Have more queries, read Frequently Asked Questions.

Prompt and true
Mayank was prompt in his response and gave a start and finish date. He sent me the pictures along with confirmation. I liked his communication style.
- Akannsha S. , USA All Testimonials

Experienced a Miracle
I can say that I have experienced a miracle. I had donated $75 for feeding cows and I have earned $750 more this month.
- Jignasha Joshi , USA All Testimonials

I am so excited
I am feeling a huge positive difference physically and mentally. I really appreciate their service. Will definitely be their customer for years to come.
- Sanka, USA All Testimonials

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