Recited from fourth day of demise of a family member
Garuda Purana is in the form of instructions by Lord Maha Vishnu to Sri Garuda (The King of Birds - a vahana of Lord Vishnu). The Garuda Purana has nineteen thousand shlokas. It deals with life after death. It is generally read from 4th day of the death till the 11th day, in the evening time. On the 12th day, final ceremonies are performed. It describes the path of a soul after dealth and provides Sadgati (Proper Path) and Moksha to our Ancestors, Fulfills the wishes, Grants happiness of both this Loka (Earth) and Parloka (Heavenly abodes).
Puja service includes: Kirtan, Guru Vandana, Vishnu Vandana, Shiv Vandana, Garuda Puran reading, Shaya daan (all the items required by a person), donation to a brahmin contains items like bed, umbrella, lantern, food, clothes, vessels, 8 Mahadan (kapaas, salt, barley, til, udeed, kangini, gold, silver)
Daily duration: 9 days, daily 2 hours
Number of priest: 1
Eshwar Bhakti priests will perform your Puja as per the Vedic procedure. Please mention the Full Name of the deceased, date of death, Gotra (if you know), and email us the photo of the deceased.
You can book this puja with or without a DVD. An hour-long DVD will have the main elements of your puja: Sankalpa, Abhishek or invocation mantras, Garud Puran recitation and Aarti. If you opt for a DVD, we will upload it on a cloud link for you to download and watch online, within a week of your puja completion. If you don't opt for a DVD, we will email few short video clips and photos immediately upon successful completion of your ritual.
Performing your puja ritual with love and utmost care is our motto. We perform only Individual Personalized rituals. No group rituals. Here are the key steps to help you understand the process:
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