Moon Vedic Pooja
Chandra Planet Yagya
Moon planet Havan Video

Moon Chandra (Vedic) Mantra Siddhi Japa & Havan

Vedic mantra chants to pacify Moon planet

Moon Vedic Pooja

Moon Chandra (Vedic) Mantra Siddhi Japa & Havan


Moon Chandra (Vedic) Mantra Siddhi Japa & Havan

Title: 44000 chants

Vedic mantras to pacify malefics of planet Moon and bestow blessings. Vedic mantras are long, detailed and more potent than Beeja mantras. In Kaliyuga, the minimum count for Navgraha Vedic mantras is considered to be four times. So, the minimum chants is 44,000. And the complete mantra siddhi chants are 125,000.

Chandra is a lunar deity. Chandra (Moon) is also known as Soma and identified with the Vedic Lunar deity Soma. He is described as young, beautiful, fair; two-armed and having in his hands a club and a lotus. He rides his chariot (the Moon) across the sky every night, pulled by ten white horses or an antelope. He is connected with dew, and as such, is one of the Gods of fertility. He is also called Nishadipati (Nisha=night; Adipathi=Lord) and Kshuparaka (one who illuminates the night). He as Soma, presides over Somvarm or Monday. He is of Sattva Guna and represents the Mind, the Queen or Mother.

In Vedic astrology Chandra represents brain and mind, emotions, sensitivity, softness, imagination, queen and mother. Chandra rules over the sign Karka (Cancer), while he is exalted in Vrishabha (Taurus) and in his fall in Vrishchika (Scorpio). The waxing Moon is considered to be benefic, and the waning Moon is considered to be malefic. The bright Moon is considered a benefic of the highest order, while the dark Moon is considered a malefic. Chandra is lord of three nakshatras or lunar mansions: Rohini, Hasta and Shravana. Chandra has the following associations: the color white, the metal silver and the gemstones pearl and moonstone. His element is water, direction is north-west and season is winter. The Food Grain associated with him (One of Nava Dhanyas) is Rice.

Puja service includes: Ganpathi Smaran, Shaanti paath, Invocation of all deities, Nine planets invocation mantra (1 mala of each planet), Chandra yantra Puja, chants of Chandra mantra, Chandra Havan (including 108 ahutis of Palash wood), Chandra shanti donation in temple, Brahmin Bhojan.

This puja can be done:

  1. With 44,000 chants: Number of Priests: 11 ; Number of day: 1
  2. With 125,000 chants: Number of Priests: 8 ; Number of days: 3
    Make your selection of chants from the box above.

Eshwar Bhakti priests will perform your Puja as per the Vedic procedure. Please mention your birth details (name, date, time, and place of birth), & Sankalp (your wish) at checkout. This is an individual Puja (you may book puja only on your name or include your near/dear ones in your puja).

You can book this puja with or without a DVD. An hour-long DVD will have the main elements of your puja: Sankalpa, Abhishek or invocation mantras, presiding deity mantra chants, Homa and Aarti. If you opt for a DVD, we will upload it on a cloud link for you to download and watch online, within a week of your puja completion. If you don't opt for a DVD, we will email few short video clips and photos immediately upon successful completion of your ritual.

Performing your puja ritual with love and utmost care is our motto. We perform only Individual Personalized rituals. No group rituals. Here are the key steps to help you understand the process:

  • You add a ritual to your shopping cart, after reading the benefits and based on your concerns.
  • At the time of booking your ritual(s), you are asked to provide your "Name, birth details, Sankalpa and instructions" on the shopping cart page. You can also mention your Gotra, Nakshatra and Rashi details there (if you know).
  • Immediately after the receipt of your order, we start identifying the most auspicious date and time to perform the ritual.
  • An email is sent to you within 12 hours of order confirmation, which would comprise:
  1. Date on which your puja would be performed.
  2. Complete timings and duration of your ritual.
  3. Sankalpa time: When you can join us and pray for the fulfillment of your wish.
  4. Zoom meeting details for taking the Sankalpa.
  5. Mantra and meditation instructions to follow at your end.
  6. Dietary precautions on the day of your puja.
  7. List of some easy to get items, to take the Sankalpa.
  • You can also email us your photo, at, to keep during the performance of your puja (optional).
  • On the scheduled day and time, you can join over Zoom to take your Sankalpa (optional). You will be guided during the call to take the Sankalpa.
  • Immediately after the successful completion of your ritual, an email is sent with photos/videos of the ritual.
  • In case of rituals lasting over several days, you will receive daily updates over email, WhatsApp or Viber.

Have more queries, read Frequently Asked Questions.

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