Burning life size effigies of Ravana, Kumbhakaran and Meghnath
Life size effigies of Ravana, Kumbhakaran and Meghanath would be made for this puja and would be burnt, thus signifying taking away all kinds of (evil elements, enemies, Dosha, diseases, failures, worries, miseries, fights, laziness, ego, accidents and negativity) from your life.
The main object of bruning these effigies is that of vanquishing evil over good. It is on this day, Shri Ram killed the ten headed demon, Ravan. For that reason, this day is also referred as Vijaya Dashami (victorious day). Thus in order to celebrate this victory, huge effigies of Ravan, his brother Kumbhkaran and son Meghanath filled with crackers, are burnt with stroke of an arrow.
Burning their effigies also represent the different aspects of our life:
Kumbhkaran : Brother of Ravana, represents the laziness inside us, we all are lazy at some point. Kumbhkaran was very huge in size and used to sleep for several days and days. Once we overcome this laziness, we realize the huge potential within us.
Meghnath : Son of Ravana, had very high proven skills, he won the war against Indra. He represents the ego inside us. No matter whatever we achieve, we should never let the ego ride our self.
Ravana : Represents the evil tendencies within us. We have to constantly burn them over and over again. This is the last step in realization of our true self.
Puja service includes: Swasti Vachan, Sankalp, Invocation of Lord Rama, Lakshman and Sita, burning of effigies of Ravana, Meghanath and Kumbhakaran.
Number of priests: 2
Eshwar Bhakti priests will perform your Puja as per the Vedic procedure. Please mention your birth details (name, date, time, and place of birth), & Sankalp (your wish) at checkout. This is an individual Puja (you may book puja only on your name or include your near/dear ones in your puja).
You can book this puja with or without a DVD. An hour-long DVD will have the main elements of your puja: Sankalpa, Abhishek or invocation mantras, and the ceremony. If you opt for a DVD, we will upload it on a cloud link for you to download and watch online, within a week of your puja completion. If you don't opt for a DVD, we will email few short video clips and photos immediately upon successful completion of your ritual.
Performing your puja ritual with love and utmost care is our motto. We perform only Individual Personalized rituals. No group rituals. Here are the key steps to help you understand the process:
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